Booker-t -
This thread is going to get very long with all the questions that you propse here. I would just like to add my perspective on a single item in your agenda.
You stated;
The bible condemns "witchcraft" and all forms of sorcery and spiritism but Jehovah allowed his prophet Saul to go to the witch on Endor and she conjured up the spirit of Samuel(1 sam 28:15) was Jehovah condoning witchcraft for the moment and forgot about the old testament law?
I accept the Bible in all respects. I know that many will argue that point from a philisophical or alternate point of view - but that is not my point here.
In several of your points - not to be condemning - just pointing to the facts - there seems to be some level of unneccessary anxiety. In the account you mention above, I would respond that you seem to have somehow shifted the blame for Saul's misdeeds to Jehovah. Remember that by this point -and several years earlier - Jehovah had rejected Saul - and selected David to be king. Saul was not a 'prophet' of God, and there is no indication that God condoned his actions here. True, Jehovah did not strike Saul dead on the spot. But niether did he do so with the sins of others - Judah's whore mongering for example, or David's sin with Bathsheeba, or Aaron's making of an idol and presenting it to national worship.
In this account, Saul was already showing his animosity toward God's arrangement with David - even seeking to kill him - but certainly God did not condone that, did He? The record of events does not mean that God was to blame for all things that occured.
I think that several of your OT events could be looked at a little closer to see that God was not the blame for them, but did allow them to occur.
Just my opinion -